2024 LEOSA Dates
We’ve posted the 2024 LEOSA Qualification Dates. You can find them here and on the range calendar.
2024 SPAA Bullseye 22 Pistol Leage Schedule
Announcing the 2024 schedule for The Laidback League! Held every Wednesday night from April 17 to June 12. Competitors must be 16 years of age or older. Individual cash awards for Aggregate Match Winner, weekly High Individual, and 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place in each class. $40 per League Session, payable at time of registration, limited to 35 entries. Gate will open at 1730, relay starts at 1745. Doors open early for registration. Read the flyer for more information, or contact Greg Gilda at 206-295-7508 / ggilda@dci-engineers.com .
2023 SPAA Bullseye 22 Pistol League Fall Schedule
Announcing the Fall schedule for The Laidback League! Held every Wednesday night from August 9 to October 4. Competitors must be 16 years of age or older. Individual cash awards for Aggregate Match Winner, weekly High Individual, and 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place in each class. $40 per League Session, payable at time of registration, limited to 35 entries. Gate will open at 1730, relay starts at 1745. Doors open early for registration. Read the flyer for more information, or contact Greg Gilda at 206-295-7508 / ggilda@dci-engineers.com .
2023 SPAA Bullseye 22 Pistol League Schedule
Announcing the Spring and Fall schedules for The Laidback League! Held every Wednesday night from April 19 to June 14 (Spring 900 League) and again from August 9 to October 4 (Fall 900 League). Competitors must be 16 years of age or older. Individual cash awards for Aggregate Match Winner, weekly High Individual, and 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place in each class. $40 per League Session, payable at time of registration, limited to 35 entries. Gate will open at 1730, relay starts at 1745. Doors open early for registration. Read the flyer for more information, or contact Greg Gilda at 206-295-7508 / ggilda@dci-engineers.com .
2022 SPAA Picnic!
2022 Seattle Police Athletic Association Picnic
August 20,2022
11am – 3pm
All members welcome!
Announcing the
2022 Seattle Police Athletic Association Picnic
August 20,2022
11am – 3pm
Seattle Police Range Picnic Area
11030 E Marginal Way S, Tukwila WA
Come join us for a fun afternoon of food, games, and a raffle sponsored by SPAA.
All SPAA sworn and civilian members and their families are invited to join us for the day.
Due to heavy flooding, the 200 yard target access on the rifle range will be closed until conditions improve.
The Range Calendar has been updated to include 2022 holiday closures and LEOSA Qualification dates.
The SPAA is currently not taking any reservations for rental of the Pavilion until further notice.
October 17 Announcements
Firearm ranges are open.
Archery range is closed for renovation.
Pavilion closed until further notice.
Current COVID Posture:
If you feel ill, have a cough, fever, or other symptoms identified by the CDC with COVID-19, please stay home. Masks are required indoors. Pro Shop occupancy is limited; please wait your turn outside. You are welcome to come in and shop, but please be efficient and respect the time of others who may be waiting. The bathrooms at the Pro Shop are closed, but the ranges have Port-A-Potties.
On the ranges, please respect social distancing protocols.
Upcoming holiday closures for Range and Pro Shop:
Thursday, November 11, Veterans Day, closed all day
Thursday and Friday, November 25 and 26, Thanksgiving Day and Black Friday, closed all day
Friday, December 24th, Christmas Eve Day, closing at 1 PM
Saturday, December 25th, Christmas Day, closed all day
Friday, December 31st, New Years Eve Day, closed all day
Saturday, January 1st, New Years Day, closed all day
Ammunition Purchases
Supplies of ammunition are extremely limited due to current market conditions. A two box per member limit is in effect, with a one box limit for certain ammunition that is in high demand. Please don’t ask for more; we’re trying to give everyone a fair chance to shoot and enjoy their time at our facility.
Upcoming LEOSA Qualification Dates:
Tuesday, November 2, 10 AM and 2 PM
Tuesday, December 7, 10 AM and 2 PM